$47.00 USD

Self-Paced Goal Achiever Course: Achieve Balanced Growth

In this self-paced online program, I'll guide you through a process that enables you to get clear on your values and your gifts, transform your mindset from doubt to belief, and design your business to support your lifestyle goals. There is a science to simplifying your efforts, in order to maximize your results, and I can't wait to share it with you!

The course consists of 6 modules, with 3-4 lessons each. The homework will support you in tapping into your values, learning to set goals from the heart vs. the head, and ultimately customizing a plan to help you live your best life, supported by a business that is predictable and enjoyable.

It's time to step off the hamster wheel and get back into the driver's seat of your life and business. Everything you dream about is available to you, as soon as you simply decide what you want, commit to taking massive action, and never give up!