$497.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Tribe of All Stars – January 2024 (Monthly)

Do you ever feel like you’re ‘winging it’ on your journey? 

Ever get the nagging sense that there could be an easier, faster, and more enjoyable way to create predictable growth in your business? 

This 6-month group immersion is designed for realtors and mortgage lenders, who are eager to collaborate, share ideas, and elevate through community. 

While this is a 6-month course, you can cancel any time with this monthly investment option.

Over the course of 6 months, we participate in bi-weekly coaching calls, where I’ll help you simplify success and have fun doing it!

We teach strategies for mindset, managing energy, crafting your unique message, time management and more. 

You’ll be able to connect with me through live bi-weekly Q&A and accountability calls, to ensure you’re implementing all that you’re learning! 

Through our online portal, you’ll have access to my self-paced course Balanced Growth, which provides the tools I use several times a year to revisit my goals, and ensure they’re continuously aligned with my lifestyle vision. 

You’ll also have access to the growing library of recorded trainings, with occasional guest speakers, coaches and authors who are eager to help you take your life to new heights!

By the end of the program, you’ll have a detailed and streamlined plan for your business. You will have strengthened your belief in your ability to be authentic, have more fun, and build the business of YOU, the only business worth building! 

You have limitless potential! And you’ll learn how to harness your energy, focus it, and achieve more with less effort, so you can truly ENJOY the life of freedom and flexibility you imagined when you started this journey!

So gather a few friends who are eager to level up, and let’s build a life you don’t need a vacation from!